an American businesswoman and former fashion model.

  Lara Trump: Syria Pullout OK Because Most Americans Would Have to Google “Who Are the Kurds”

Lara Trump: Syria Pullout OK Because Most Americans Would Have to Google “Who Are the Kurds”

Donald Trump has been accused of abandoning the Kurds who have allied with the US in the fight against ISIS. Both Republicans and Democrats have criticized the move, though some Republicans seem appeased by Trump’s proposed sanctions against Turkey.

White House surrogates have regularly appeared on cable news to defend the move by the President. On Monday night, Daughter-in-Law Lara Trump appeared on Fox News at Night. When asked about the situation in Syria, the wife of Eric Trump said most Americans don’t even know who the Kurds are.

Host Shannon Bream referenced a New York Times article that outlined Turkey’s recent actions in Syria. She asked Trump for her thoughts on the matter.

Lara Trump responded, “Well, Shannon, I think we should start with the fact that if you ask the average American out there, I think they would have to Google ‘Who are the Kurds, and why is America even over there fighting this war?'”

Bream pressed the President’s daughter-in-law, saying, “many of them (Kurds) saying they have no defenses, that they’re being slaughtered after partnering with the US, there are worries that other potential allies in the future… will be hesitant to partner with the US because of what they see now happening to the Kurds.”

Lara Trump replied that the President is keeping his promises. “Well I think the president though has always been very direct about this, he said from the very beginning that he wanted to pull out of Syria, now he is almost 3 years into his presidency and he’s doing it now, so it shouldn’t be a surprise, and I don’t think the people should be hesitant to partner with the United States in any way as result of this,” she said.

You can see Lara Trump’s full interview here, courtesy of Fox News
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