an American businesswoman and former fashion model.

Ivanka Trump's Yom Kippur Message Is Dividing Twitter Right Now

Ivanka Trump's Yom Kippur Message Is Dividing Twitter Right Now

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Ivanka Trump posted a tweet in honor of Yom Kippur on Tuesday, and the replies were brutal. In no time, Trump's not drew backlash, praise and backlash to the backlash. The First Daughter and White House adviser wished her followers a happy Yom Kippur on Tuesday afternoon. The Jewish holiday begins at sunset, but many felt that Trump had no right to observe it.

The vast majority of responses condemned Trump in religious, political and criminal terms. Some mocked her for leaning on religious rhetoric to appear sympathetic, while others accused her of trying to make a distraction.

"Enjoy your holiday and when you come back, help Dad comply with those subpoenas, okay? Thanks," one person wrote.
"Teshuvah. You can take the appropriate steps toward righteousness and you know what they are," added another. "Do them."

"Hmm, your father supports people who want to purge the Jewish population from the earth," a third person tweeted.
As always, some spoke up in defense of Trump and her family, including the president.

"Dear Trolls, Yom Kippur is our sacred and deeply meaningful Holy Day. Please write your vile comments on some other tweet. There are plenty of other you could choose from to vent your hatred," one supporter wrote. "Thank you."
Ivanka Trump was raised Presbyterian Christian along with the rest of her family, but she converted to Orthodox Judaism in 2009, shortly before marrying Jared Kushner. According to a report by The Independent, she studied the faith with Elie Weinstock of the Modern Orthodox Ramaz School, yet her sincerity has still been called into question.
These days, however, her Twitter respondents seem more concerned with the Trump administration's ongoing impeachment inquiry, and what role she may have in it. President Trump admitted to asking the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden, in search of information that would help him in the 2020 election. He later asked the same of China in a televised news conference.
0commentsIvanka Trump's first public response to the impeachment inquiry came last week on Fox News. In an interview that aired on Friday, she said that the "Trumps are fighters." Beyond that, she seemed to avoid talking about specifics on the air.
"I think everything’s a question of priorities," she said. We have our priorities in the White House. We’re fighting every day for the American worker. We’re fighting every day to improve the quality of life for every single person in this country and we’re delivering in that fight and on that promise. That’s our priority. USMCA – let’s get it passed, Congress."

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God's Sabbath Day of rest is still the 7th day of God's Calendar not the Gregorian calendar.

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