an American businesswoman and former fashion model.

Ivanka Trump’s History of Sitting in Inappropriate Seats

Ivanka Trump’s History of Sitting in Inappropriate Seats

Ivanka Trumps History of Sitting in Inappropriate Seats

Before Ivanka Trump broke the mold, and potentially an anti-nepotism law, by serving as both an assistant to the president and First Daughter, the 35-year-old was a New York real estate heiress and executive. In both her past and current lives, her father’s stature has opened one gilded door after another to her, putting her at the nexus of global power players at the highest levels. According to e-mails obtained by the The New York Times, one of those opportunities was apparently in Moscow more than a decade ago, where a business associate boasted he arranged for Ivanka to sit in Putin’s private chair at his desk in the Kremlin (She told the Times that it was possible she sat in the chair, but she did not recall it). This was hardly the last time she plunked down in a controversial spot; in fact, her chosen seats have repeatedly landed her in hot water—and increasingly so as she took on a role in the West Wing. Here, we take an incomplete look at some of her most controversial resting spots.

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