an American businesswoman and former fashion model.

Has Ivanka Trump been training for public speaking? She could be preparing for new role

Has Ivanka Trump been training for public speaking? She could be preparing for new role

Ivanka Trump: Donald Trump's daughter speech

Ivanka Trump is the daughter of the US President, Donald Trump, and she has acted as his senior political advisor since he entered the White House. She will often step out in place of the President and speak on his behalf at various political events. Recently, some people have speculated she could be preparing to run for President herself in the future. Ivanka's speeches could show she has been preparing for a new role.

During her time working for the White House, Ivanka has made a number of speeches about issues important to her.
Her delivery of these speeches has changed and improved over the years, James Bryce, CEO of gweek, the category leader of Speech Intelligence, explained.
He said: “Looking at her earlier speeches compared to her more recent ones, it’s possible she has had some professional training to boost her confidence in delivery.
“In her 2019 speech, she shares her ideas more efficiently; relying on a few key words to explain her meaning, as opposed to long sentences spoken at speed.”
These changes means she could be taking her role seriously and potentially gearing up to run for President herself one day.
 Ivanka Trump: Donald Trump's daughter speech
Journalist, Michael Wolff, claimed in his book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, Ivanka will one day stand for President.
The book stated: “The first woman president, Ivanka entertained, would not be Hillary Clinton; it would be Ivanka Trump."
In her recent speeches, Ivanka has shown why she could be good in the role as her confidence has improved.
James told Express.co.uk: “There are also fewer hesitations in her speech, which suggests she is more confident.
“She is on top of her voice delivery, and able to command how she wants her voice to sound – this allows her to come across authentically to her audience.”
Ivanka Trump: Donald Trump's daughter president
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