an American businesswoman and former fashion model.

Donald Trump unloads on 'hateful and enraged' Democrats in Dallas rally before 20,000 screaming MAGA fans as he says 'dumb' Beto O'Rourke and 'crazy' Nancy Pelosi 'hate our country' and claims Joe Biden 'you-know-what and pillaged' his way to wealth

Donald Trump unloads on 'hateful and enraged' Democrats in Dallas rally before 20,000 screaming MAGA fans as he says 'dumb' Beto O'Rourke and 'crazy' Nancy Pelosi 'hate our country' and claims Joe Biden 'you-know-what and pillaged' his way to wealth

  • President Donald Trump held a campaign rally at the American Airlines Center in Dallas on Thursday to a screaming crowd estimated at 20,000
  • President Donald Trump held a campaign rally at the American Airlines Center in Dallas on Thursday to a screaming crowd estimated at 20,000
  • Trump had his first king-size campaign rally at American Airlines Center in September 2015
  • 'Women for Trump, 'Latinos for Trump,' and 'Cops for Trump' placards fluttered as a tween-age girl ran with arms up, encouraging a stadium wave 
  • 'I really don't believe anymore that they love our country,' the president said, drawing chants of 'Four more years!' from a rowdy arena 
  • A corrupt former Vice President Joe Biden, Trump charged, had grifted and grafted his way through China and Ukraine with his son Hunter and reaped millions 
  • Trump's warmup acts included Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who claimed Trump's Democratic rivals 'are not our opponents. They are our enemy'
  • The first person in line to get into the rally, a man who flew in from Las Vegas, arrived at 2:15pm 
  • President Donald Trump stripped the bark off his Democratic opponents on Thursday, saying his 'hateful and enraged' adversaries 'are destroying this country' and 'won't come close' to beating him in 2020.
    'They know it,' he charged during a fist-pumping Dallas rally, blasting 'Crazy Nancy' Pelosi and 'Shifty' Adam Schiff.
    Trump said Joe and Hunter Biden amassed their wealth through a rape-and-pillage plan, but refused to use the word 'rape.' 
    'I really don't believe anymore that they love our country,' the president said, drawing chants of 'Four more years!' from a rowdy arena at the tail end of a day spent raising money, cutting ribbons and pressing the flesh.
    'They hate our country,' he said again. 
    A subpoena-happy Pelosi, he vented, 'hands them out like it's cookies.' Trump joked: 'I have people getting subpoenas I've never heard of! I said, "Who are those people?"'
     Members of the audience cheer as President Donald Trump takes the stage at a campaign rally at American Airlines Arena
    A corrupt former Vice President Joe Biden, he charged, had grifted and grafted his way through China and Ukraine with his son Hunter and reaped millions.
    Trump called the Bidens' actions 'you-know-what and pillage.'
    'It's the "R" word. "You-know-what" and pillage. You know what word I'm talking about, right?' he said, referring to the word 'rape.'
    'I don't want to use it because they'll say it's a horrible word that Trump used,' the president added, pointing to ranks of TV cameras a basketball court away.
    Trump claimed that the Dallas rally at the American Airlines center was the largest one yet for the 'Keep America Great' tour
    He hammered the still-unnamed whistle-blower whose report on an infamous call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelinsky provided Schiff and his House Intelligence Committee with powerful ammunition – after first meeting committee staffers.
    'Who is the whistle-blower?' Trump demanded. 'We have to know! Is the whistle-blower a spy?'
    'Dumb' Beto O'Rourke, he said, tone-deafly 'pledged to revoke the tax-exempt status of many churches and religious charities' after saying '"We're going to take your guns away".'
    O'Rourke had said churches that refuse to perform same-sex marriages should lose federal tax benefits afforded to other nonprofit organizations. He also warned that if he were president, owners of AR-15s and other military-style rifles would lose them.

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