• Pelosi received Lifetime Achievement Award for STEM education efforts and Ivanka received Internet Freedom Award for computer science education efforts
  • Shortly after Pelosi received her award Trump fired off a tweet saying Pelosi 'lied'
  • He was referring to incident that happened at White House earlier Wednesday 
  • Pelosi opened the day by coming out of a meeting with Democrats in Congress - some pushing for impeachment - and accusing Trump of a 'cover-up' 
  • Trump then used a planned meeting on infrastructure funding with Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to berate them and other Democrats 
  • Senior White House official said he was fuming and decided to attack Democrats
  • He then stormed outside to Rose Garden where he had ordered a podium set up
  • 'We're doing excellent work without them,' the president said of the Democrats 
  • Pelosi said that she's praying for the president then upped the ante, saying he was committing 'impeachable offenses'
Nancy Pelosi and Ivanka Trump were both honored at a gala in Washington, DC, Wednesday night, just hours after the House Speaker mocked the first daughter's father for throwing a 'tantrum' and storming out of a meeting.
Both Pelosi and Ivanka received awards at the Internet Association’s Sixth Annual Charity Gala for their advocacy efforts for STEM education and opportunities.
Ivanka, who is Trump's advisor, donned a mint green dress as she accepted the association's Internet Freedom Award 'for her dedicated efforts to expanding computer science education opportunities to all Americans'.
Meanwhile, Pelosi kept it classy in a plum dress as she was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award 'for her sustained leadership on STEM education for the next generation of American tech leaders'.
Shortly after Pelosi received her award Trump fired off a tweet: 'In a letter to her House colleagues, Nancy Pelosi said: "President Trump had a temper tantrum for us all to see." This is not true. I was purposely very polite and calm, much as I was minutes later with the press in the Rose Garden.'
'Can be easily proven. It is all such a lie!' he added.