an American businesswoman and former fashion model.

10 Things You Didn't Know About Melania Trump as a Mom

10 Things You Didn't Know About Melania Trump as a Mom

Melania Trump
Melania is the hands-on parent.
No surprise here, but Donald stayed pretty busy running his multinational corporation (and now, the United States), so the parenting falls on Melania. "He didn't change diapers and I am completely fine with that. It is not important to me. It's all about what works for you," she told Parenting in 2015. "It's very important to know the person you're with. And we know our roles."``

Melania Trump
She wouldn't let the presidency disrupt Barron's life.
Despite her husband's move to the White House, Melania remained in New York City with Barron so he could finish out the school year. There were reports that Melania and Barron might never move to D.C.
 Melania Trump
She keeps a strict work-parenting balance.
Melania didn't start her jewelry business until Barron began school, and fulfills her professional obligations while he's away. "I am a full-time mom; that is my first job. The most important job ever," she told Parenting. "When he is in school I do my meetings, my sketches, and everything else."
 Melania Trump
She believes in letting your kids fall down.
"I think it's important to give a child room to make mistakes in order to learn. Mistakes build wings so later in life they can fly and go on their own," she told Parenting. "Let them fall once in awhile. When they do, they will learn how to pick themselves up on their own when you aren't around."
 Melania Trump
She raised Barron trilingual.
Back in 2009, Melania said toddler Barron was speaking English, French, and her native Slovenian. These days, he's still fluent in Slovenian and uses it to communicate with his grandparents.
Melania Trump
Melania encourages creativity.
Yes, even if it makes a mess. "His imagination is growing and important. He draws on the walls in his playroom, we can paint it over," she told Parenting. "One day he was playing bakery and he wrote Barron's Bakery on the wall with crayons. He is very creative, if you say to a child no, no, no, where does the creativity go?"
 Melania Trump
She's a passionate advocate for other children.
Even before becoming First Lady (and before motherhood), Melania was involved in several children's charities. She was the face of the Fifth Annual National Love Our Children Day and National Child Abuse Prevention Month in 2008, and an honorary chairwoman for the Boy's Club of New York for five years. She also served as a Goodwill Ambassador for the American Red Cross.
She's happy with just one child.
When asked if she might consider more kids, Melania told ABC News she won't say never, but that she's happy with her two boys — her big boy and her little boy!
 Melania Trump
She's a hands-on mom.
Melania says that Barron loves creating entire cities and airports with blocks and LEGOs, and that she happily plops down on the floor with him to build these universes
Melania Trump

She used to slather Barron with caviar.
Melania made headlines in 2013 when she revealed that she applied her own skincare line's Caviar Complex C6 moisturizer, which contained real caviar, on Barron every night after his bath.

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